Recorded Talks

Recorded Lectures (30/ 60 / 90 min)

Specific cases of novae and supernovae in old chronicles

Searching for novae and supernovae in ancient Chinese chronicles: Lecture III (90 min)
Mysteries of Hipparchus’s Star Catalogue

(Lecture on recent publications)
Painting Babylonian
Public Talk: English and Cantonese
Was the Nebra Sky Disc an Instrument?
History of astronomical instrumentation ~2000 years BCE.
Lecture for Studium Generale
(English & Bahasa Indonesia)
International Conference
Constellations and Sky Cultures: Babylonian, Greek, and Southeast Asia
Lecture on History of Astronomy (BA level)
(English & Bahasa Indonesia)
Lecture on History of Astronomy (PostGrad. level)
(English & Bahasa Indonesia)
Overview: What can modern astrophysics learn from old Chinese chronicles?

Searching for novae and supernovae in ancient Chinese chronicles: Lecture I (90 min)
Ancient frames of reference: Transfer and Transformation of Constellations

Searching for novae and supernovae in ancient Chinese chronicles: Lecture II (90 min)

Similar talk recorded in Semarang, 07 Oct 2024
 Von MUL.APIN zur griechisch-römischen Antike
Babylonische Sternbilder, Astrometrie und Zeitrechnung in Transformation (60 min)
Gestern – Heute – Morgen: Große Zeitskalen der Wissenschaft (2022)
klassisches Planetariumsthema: einmal das Große Jahr rückwärts und einmal vorwärts (45 min)screenshot
 Wie der Löwe an den Himmel kam
Die wahren Geschichten der Sternbilder (35 min)fasziOnline_Sternbilder2021
 Ungewöhnliche Sternbilder (2022)
Ein Streifzug durch die Kulturen (35 min)sternbilder2_2
Die wahren Geschichten (2021) – Teaser:
Plejaden – 10 minplejaden2021
 The Historical Way of Communicating Science (2021)(Teaser) – 3 min
Where to store papers?
(10 min)
Novae (state of art April 2020)
(60 min)
Aufflammende Sterne (2020)
(30 min)
Sternbilder der alten Griechen (2018)
(60 min)sonneberg2018
Rätsel des Weihnachtssterns (2020)
(30 min)bethlehem2020